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Mobile App Development Landscape Trends Take the Lead in 2016

Mobile App Development Landscape Trends Take the Lead in 2016

by | Oct 27, 2016

Research shows that by the end of 2016, smartphones will be at an all time high of around 2 billion users around the world. Smartphones are becoming more and more inexpensive, and on top of that, majorly free apps have provided a shift in to the mobile app development landscape world.

It is stated by Statista that by the year 2017, 268.69 mobile apps downloads can be expected. The mobile app development industry is constantly growing and advancing as technology becomes more advanced. Mobile app revenue growth is expected to hit $45.37 Billion in 2015 to $76.53 Billion in 2017.

What are some trends in the app development landscape world?

New Industries Create App Growth

New Industries allow for better growth and production of mobile apps. With the help of internet applications such as electronics, senors, as well as network connectivity, developers are now able to extend their use of new industries and products beyond what they are meant to be when these products left the factory.

Businesses promoting application growth include construction, agriculture, and healthcare. These industries have opened up a ton of new possibilities of growth. An example of this growth includes major consumer technology corporations such as Amazon, Xiaomi, and AT&T which contribute smarthome capabilities. Interesting developments are expected on conversative and interactive platforms.

Data Management Draws Concern

Recent technological growth means more and more data is being generated. The growth in data growth draws concerns over security and storage of data. This concern calls for the use of ‘Data Center Managers,’ these managers will think of more forward-looking data storage capacities in which will allow for real-time business processes.

Data center managers must think intuitively to apply their abilities to manage consumer driven personal data along with handling corporate big data within the application servers. This means monitoring capabilities will be on the rise. Mainly, the managing of mobile software application will minimize demands of bandwidth and battery.

2016 is the Year of Booming Apps

It is soon to be realized in the tech world that 2016 is the year of enterprise apps. App value, along with reach and efficiency, is the main focus of more and more of the enterprise apps this year. This potential can bring major improvements to the bases of the companies.

Enterprise applications created for mobile devices is said to quadruple by the end of the year. How business is dealt with along with how solutions are accessed is changing day by day. Companies are finding that mobile apps are booming and therefore are investing in mobile app resources.


The mobile app development industry is growing and evolving at such a rapid pace. The mobile app development industry is expected to be worth 77 Billion in revenue by the year 2017. Data collection, management, and data analytics stress the necessary information to key decision makers. Although, there are not going to be any major surprises within the development world, these trends will define and shape the mobile app landscape.


Danielle Nicole

Danielle is a social media manager and blog writer for Powered Labs. She majored in public relations. Danielle has been writing since the age of 5, and continues to do so into her career. “Writing isn’t just a hobby, it’s a lifelong gift…”

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