The essential content marketing toolkit

The essential content marketing toolkit

Contrary to popular belief, professional content writers aren't just born overnight. Not everyone can start their day and hammer out 8,000 words of focused, delightful, engaging content that captivates the reader, and inspires them to take action. Truthfully, the...

Top 10: Tips on Paid Search Marketing

Top 10: Tips on Paid Search Marketing

Top 10: Tips on Paid Search Marketing If you are venturing into the paid search arena, you may want to get started with these tips.   Top 10 Tips on Paid Search Marketing 1. Start with a limited budget and test the ROI. If the ROI is positive, then gradually increase...

The 4 Pillars to Building a Brand

The 4 Pillars to Building a Brand

From enterprises to startups – these are the foundations for creating a loyal customer base No matter how much money your company may invest, hire expensive talent, or bombard the internet with paid ads and expensive commercials, a brand is never just created...

Questions to Consider Before Developing an App

Questions to Consider Before Developing an App

In recent years, tons of people have been jumping onto the app-design bandwagon, expecting to become millionaires with the next big app trend, sadly unprepared and realizing too soon that the pretty picture isn't so pretty when reality hits. Creating an app may appear...

The History of Mobile App Design

The History of Mobile App Design

There has been a worldwide love and interest of the mobile app development world for years now. Whether it be for a business application or a mobile game application, apps keep users minds occupied and informed with the latest information. How did we even function...

Your Uber May Soon Be Driverless

Your Uber May Soon Be Driverless

Anyone who has paid a visit to the city of Pittsburgh knows how confusing and congested the roadways are. The three rivers that meet at the city provides drivers with a tangle of bridges, layered overpasses and lots of Pittsburghese road rage. Pittsburgh drivers are...

Best Music Production Apps

Best Music Production Apps

There has been a recent popularity with making music electronically via computer programs such as Abelton Live and Logic. These require aspiring artist to lug around a bulky lap top that often can't be positioned comfortably unless it is placed upon a flat service...

Beware! Free Charging Stations Could Hack Your Phone

Beware! Free Charging Stations Could Hack Your Phone

The woes of a frequent traveler often involve a hungry stomach and a dying cell phone. Conveniently,free charging stations might seem like a golden relic, saving your day from pure phoneless boredom while waiting for a connecting flight. Chargers beware! These...

Make the Best Use of Your Mobile Phone This Hurricane Season

Make the Best Use of Your Mobile Phone This Hurricane Season

Natural disasters can strike at short notice and are often times unavoidable. During the stress filled hurricane season of 2004, we were unfortunately not blessed with the lifesaving touch screened Android and Apple devices that not only keep us entertained, but also...

Amazing advantages of mid-roll video ads

Amazing advantages of mid-roll video ads

A new medium for video ads – is mid-roll video is an effective source of advertising? Content publishers are enjoying the revenue from mid-roll video, however, is it an effective medium for businesses? It is estimated that video revenue will surpass over 22 billion by...