For anyone who has an iPhone or is thinking of getting one any time soon, here are 7 new features of iOS 8 you’re bound to love.
Even if you aren’t a bonafide mobile app developer, into computer design or identify at all with the geek world, these features should excite you. We’ve been watching the developments at Apple’s
Worldwide Developers Conference and are doing a roundup of all the best news here!
Interactive Notifications
Now when you get a text message while surfing Safari, you won’t need to close the app to reply. Simply by swiping down on the notifications page, you can reply directly to the message without having the launch the Messages app. Convenience in its purest form.
Improved Spotlight
Now when you search for something in your iPhone, Spotlight will bring up relevant results from other sources including Wikipedia, iTunes and even the App Store.
Siri is even better
Not only is she hands-free when plugged in (presumably for car trips and other times you don’t have your hands free), Siri can now identify what songs you’re listening to, Shazam-style.
Touch ID
According to the rumors, it’s meant to be more reliable and convenient than Android’s LastPass App login. Using your fingerprint as a password, this lets you get into apps with added security. Plus it makes you feel like a spy.
3. New Camera Features
Now the iPhone camera offers a great, slower Timelapse video option, not to mention more detailed focus and exposure controls. It will make your Instagram selfies pop even more.
2. Battery Use Indicator

Let’s face it, battery life is not the strongest suit for the iPhone, nor for any kind of smartphone for that matter. We all know that the more apps you use, the more battery life it drains, but which apps are the most taxing? Now we can see a detailed view of how much juice each app uses so you can better plan your energy conservation plan.
1. Continuity
This is the best announcement that has come out of WWDC for a variety of reasons. When it comes to iOS, Continuity makes it super interchangeable with Yosemite, the new Mac OS. Now everything can sync across Airdrop. Let’s say you start a task with your iPhone, then move onto your iPad – there will be a prompt asking you to finish it there. Marvellous.