Questions to Consider Before Developing an App

Questions to Consider Before Developing an App

In recent years, tons of people have been jumping onto the app-design bandwagon, expecting to become millionaires with the next big app trend, sadly unprepared and realizing too soon that the pretty picture isn’t so pretty when reality hits. Creating an app may...
Your Uber May Soon Be Driverless

Your Uber May Soon Be Driverless

Anyone who has paid a visit to the city of Pittsburgh knows how confusing and congested the roadways are. The three rivers that meet at the city provides drivers with a tangle of bridges, layered overpasses and lots of Pittsburghese road rage. Pittsburgh drivers are...
Top App Monetization Strategies of 2016

Top App Monetization Strategies of 2016

The amount of mobile apps created within the Android and Apple world has sky rocketed to an astounding amount. 80,000 app submissions per month alone, it’s clear that the app development market is surely a booming business. While variety is great for consumers,...
Hottest Mobile App Development Trends of 2016

Hottest Mobile App Development Trends of 2016

The mobile industry is constantly changing everyday, developers cannot rely on older technologies and development tools for app design. Companies cannot afford to lose out on technological trends and advances. The mobile industry changes due to new gadgets, new...
The New Google Ads

The New Google Ads

Google Ads is amping up their advertising for developers that will now allow them to reach potential users when they’re visiting more than 2 million publisher websites on their mobile devices, including through video ads. Google announced a new range of options...