Drone Delivery

Drone Delivery

Soon, drone delivery will flip an industry on its head. The FAA is already helping to break ground with their first round of established rules. While, the government agency hasn’t approved commercial use yet, the fact that they have set any rules in such a...


MIT Alums, Cameron Levy and Dustin Smith, recently launched Beansprock, an AI-based job search platform. They are hoping to mold an entirely new job-hunting model. “The idea is not just to go out and find a role that you are going to love, but rather find companies...
Beer, Business and Technology

Beer, Business and Technology

Beer and Business go together better pretty well, and here’s what one developer learned from other tech and small business owners from Tampa Bay Startup Week. This past week was Startup Week here in beautiful Tampa Bay. At Powered Labs, we made it a point to...
Mobile Filmmaking: Editing on the Go

Mobile Filmmaking: Editing on the Go

One day mobile devices may be our only means of computing. So, mobile filmmaking is not only here to stay, but may very well be our only means of filmmaking. Editing is what many filmmakers call their favorite part of the movie making process. Steven Spielberg...