Rand Paul Hearts Edward Snowden

Rand Paul Hearts Edward Snowden

Ok, maybe saying he hearts him is a little strong, but Rand Paul and Edward Snowden have something in common. They both feel that the NSA's surveillance programs are overreaching and damaging to the private lives of the American people. "I believe we can have liberty...

The Not-Quite Death of Google Glass

The Not-Quite Death of Google Glass

“But while Google Glass failed to set the consumer space on fire, (others) have embraced it - Source: Buzzfeed “I thought you were dead?” Google Glass' response:  “Nope. Just regrouping.” Headlines were popping up all over the interwebs a few months back. “Rest in...

Incubate: The Time Travel App

Incubate: The Time Travel App

Incubate is a new iOS mobile application that allows a user to send a message in time, like a capsule, as far as 25 years into the future. Imagine your grandmother wishing you a happy 30th birthday, years after she's passed away. Imagine sharing the moment you found...

YouTube Kids App

YouTube Kids App

Parents were super excited when Google announced the launch of a kid-friendly YouTube app. Censorship is such a huge issue with parents having to watch over their kids constantly when on these sites. YouTube Kids gave parents the peace and security of knowing their...

Android Apps will Run on Mac with Arc Welder

Android Apps will Run on Mac with Arc Welder

Meet Arc Welder, a tool that allows Android applications to run on Macs, Windows and even Linux operating systems. It does this however only for apps that run through its Chrome browser. While this might blow your mind, remember that apps run best when they're native,...

T2D Brewing Saga Part 4: Pop Pop Pop

T2D Brewing Saga Part 4: Pop Pop Pop

Welcome to the fourth installation of the Powered Labs coffee brewing saga: the time for java is nigh. Finally the popping begins. Time did in fact run out and needed to be added, and of course the ERROR MESSAGE did pop up on the screen reminding us the roast was in...

Pre-Order The Apple Watch Tonight

Pre-Order The Apple Watch Tonight

It's Apple watch pre-order time! Today at 12pm Western or 3am Eastern, you will be able to pre-order your apple watch. Are you going with the simple fitness band, or are you going all out with the gold watch? So many awesome choices... Check out all of your options...

Lumo Projector

Lumo Projector

So, I don't even have kids but I'm super excited about this toy! Growing up my mom was very strict about not letting us have a gaming system in the home because she wanted us to stay active and not be hooked to a screen all day. It wasn't until the Wii came out that...

Global App Development Costs

Global App Development Costs

Not too long ago, we ran a series about all the considerations and questions that go into producing a mobile application. The bottom line is that app development costs are expensive! In this world, you get what you pay for. If you invest in cheap resources, your end...

Section 215: What you need to know

Section 215: What you need to know

What is Section 215, and what does it have to do with you? Absolutely everything. Section 215 of the Patriot Act directly effects your privacy, and allows the government to intercept the contents of any message or phone call you create. The Act is up for reform on...

Startup Timeline: Candy Crush

Startup Timeline: Candy Crush

This week we're looking at the story of Candy Crush, a wildly popular one-hit wonder by developer King. The company just celebrated their 10th birthday this year, and here's a look back on their diverse portfolio strategy as this developer played the numbers game...

Drones Guarding Ancient Tombs

Drones Guarding Ancient Tombs

Drones have been used for many interesting tasks, and now they are guardians of the ancient tombs in Jordan. A custom-built Septocopter drone is being used by archeologist Chad Hill to monitor looting of an ancient cemetery. Hill and his team are part of the Landscape...